Осмислення суспільства в контексті державотворення. Світоглядна культура директора школи



political, spiritual, moral, aesthetic, and etc. (other) culture, high ideological training of the director


The academic and social experience accumulated over the years and decades of our society’s activity demonstrates the unique role of the headmaster as the first and principal organizer of the educational process, the teacher of the student youth, the parents and all employees of the institution. And that’s understandable. The headmaster is a person who the whole team is based on, who they follow and whose activity, as a tuning fork, sets the tone of the work of the whole school. He is not only the organizer of the educational process or the head of the business, but also the first teacher-advisor of the team. He is fully responsible for the state of work of the school as a whole, and most importantly – for the civic, spiritual, moral, patriotic charge with which teachers approach their pupils, and they, in turn, assimilate it and go into the world as independent and creative personalities. It is he who – confident, convinced, creative – conveys to the team his own worldview potential, accumulated in his time during his university studies, as well as in the process of gaining practical academic and civic experience. Therefore, it is quite understandable the need for a high ideological training of the director, the formation and constant updating of his political, spiritual, moral, aesthetic, etc. culture in general.

Author Biography

В. П. Андрущенко, ректор НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова, академік НАПН України


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How to Cite

Андрущенко, В. П. (2020). Осмислення суспільства в контексті державотворення. Світоглядна культура директора школи . All Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Magazine Principal of School Liceum Gymnasium, 21(1), 17–23. Retrieved from https://director.npu.edu.ua/index.php/dslg/article/view/243

