Harmonious unity of spirituality, culture,education and upbringing


  • T. L. Antonenko Scientific-Research Institute of Spiritual Development of Man, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (Severodonetsk, Ukraine).
  • G. P. Shevchenko Director of the Scientific-Research Institute of Spiritual Development of Man


spirituality, culture, education, upbringing, harmonious unity, personality, energy and information essence, totality of value and sense sphere, formation, psychological determinants


The article is devoted to the investigation of the problem of harmonious unity of spirituality, culture, education, and upbringing of a personality, which are the most important categories of pedagogical science and determine the tendencies and nature of personality development. The authors of the article provide an essential characteristic of these concepts. It is emphasized that in present day conditions, the state of spirituality of society, its decline "as a social phenomenon, as a critical state for the fate of mankind", is of particular concern. Therefore, the problems of the culture and spirituality of the personality are now the subject of attention of all the humanities.

The authors of the article note that a growing person is at the center of pedagogical research. It is emphasized that nowadays it is necessary to take into account its energy and information essence, and peculiarities of its soul as an organic totality of all physical, energetic, conscious and unconscious psychophysiological and spiritual forces of a person. The need to consider the concepts of spirituality, culture, education, and upbringing in the context of formation of the value and sense sphere of personality is emphasized. In the article, the author's definition of this concept is presented and the psychological determinants of the formation of the value and sense sphere of a personality are identified. They include culture as a metasystem; spirituality as a vital determinant; ideals as meaningful factors; and modern information systems, spaces and practices.

In the article, the concept of cultural personality development, worked out by D. Paul Shafer, is characterized. The shortcomings of modern education are described and the tasks of the new century education are defined. It is emphasized that education should perform an important culture-creative and human-creative function that promotes the cultivation of personality spirituality. It is emphasized that upbringing of a spiritually mature personality is ensured in the educational process by the readiness to co-operate in the context of cultural pluralism.

Author Biographies

T. L. Antonenko , Scientific-Research Institute of Spiritual Development of Man, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (Severodonetsk, Ukraine).

Doctor of Psychological Sciences (Psy.D.), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Ph.D. in Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Professor at Pedagogy Department, key scientific worker of Scientific-Research Institute of Spiritual Development of Man, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (Severodonetsk, Ukraine).

G. P. Shevchenko , Director of the Scientific-Research Institute of Spiritual Development of Man

Full Member of the NAES of Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (Ed.D.), Professor, Director of the Scientific-Research Institute of Spiritual Development of Man, Head of the UNESCO Chair "Spiritual and Cultural Values of Upbringing and Education", Member of the National Commission of Ukraine in the affairs of UNESCO, Head of the Department of Pedagogy, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (Severodonetsk-Kyiv, Ukraine).




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How to Cite

Antonenko , T. L., & Shevchenko , G. P. . (2020). Harmonious unity of spirituality, culture,education and upbringing. All Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Magazine Principal of School Liceum Gymnasium, 21(1), 82–90. Retrieved from https://director.npu.edu.ua/index.php/dslg/article/view/251

