Editorial policy

Ethics of publications Regulations on publishing ethics


Responsibilities and duties of the editorial board and editorial council


  • As for the acceptance of articles to the editorial board


The Editorial Board of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Journal "Director of School, Lyceum, Gimnasia" reserves the right to accept articles for publication or to refuse the author's publication. When deciding whether to accept or reject an article, the editorial board is guided by the journal's policy (compliance with scientific specialization), the basic requirements for publications, and so on.

The editorial council determines the significance of the publication for the development of the Ukrainian school and recommends it for implementation. It reserves the right to recommend articles for publication with a special mark "Exceptional significance for school practice".

The editorial board is committed to collaborating and interacting with potential and actual authors of the articles, providing them with the necessary assistance and answering their questions.

The editor of the journal has the right to reject / return the article for revision if it does not meet the requirements or to accept it for publication, if it has no comments.

The editorial staff of the magazine is obligated to carry out technical, scientific, linguistic editing of accepted articles.





The editorial board accepts scientific works exclusively on their content and correctness of registration irrespective of race, sex, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, political views, ethnicity, citizenship, etc.



The editorial board does not disclose information about accepting or rejecting the article to anyone other than the author (s), co-author (s), reviewers; as well as personal data of authors.


Conflicts of interest.

The editors of the journal are governed by the Principles on the refusal to publish scientific articles of the Ethics Committee of the Publishing House when it comes to rejecting an article or correcting an already printed work.

Advertising, reprinting and other manipulations do not affect the decisions of members of the editorial board for the acceptance of articles for printing.


The unpublished materials in an article that was edited are not used by members of the editorial board for their own research without reference to the author of an already published work. Interesting and useful information from the submitted articles can be used only for familiarization and not used in editor’s own interests.

The only exception is the preparation by the editorial team of summary and analytical materials on topical issues in the articles of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Journal "Headmaster of School, Lyceum, Gymnasia"

Information for Authors


Responsibilities and duties of the authors


Reports on the reliability of information

Authors presenting the results of their research in the article should present them in accordance with the requirements for drawing up the articles in a clear sequence (see Appendix 2). Articles should describe the main study and necessarily additional data and links to other works that were used to conduct the study. The presence of false or inaccurate data is unacceptable and is considered to be a violation of publication ethics.


Authenticity and plagiarism

The authors submitting their articles to the editorial office should guarantee the authenticity of the data presented in their work. In the case of the use of other scholars' data, the authors of the articles should refer to their research in the list of used literature.


Repeated publication of an article

Authors are not allowed to print an article that has already been published. As for the self-plagiarism, the presence of which is defined as a problem that has no unambiguous solution. Our magazine accepts the articles whose authors develop / deny their previous work experience, but at the same time, consider unacceptable printing previously published as the current know-how.


Confirmation of scientific sources

The authors should indicate (cite) the publications, the data of which were used during the research and writing a scientific article.


Authorship of the article

Co-authors of the article are those who have made a significant contribution to the study, which the article is devoted to. All the co-authors must be familiar with and agree with the final publication. All co-authors of the article should be listed before submitting the work to the editor.


Mistakes in published works

If the author of the article finds a significant error or inaccuracy in his already published work, he must notify the editor or the responsible secretary of the magazine in order to find the appropriate solution to this problem (re-publishing the journal or publishing the corresponding corrections in another journal).


From the editorial board: For the whole time of the existence of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Journal "Headmaster of School, Lyceum, and Gymnasia", no complaints about abuse of office by the editorial board have ever been received. All issues related to the revision of articles are solved personally and openly by the authors and, as a rule, do not have significant contradictions. The editorial board has never received any complaints regarding the editing of scientific works (technical, scientific, linguistic, etc.) from the authors of the articles. The editorial board of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Journal "Director of School, Lyceum, Gimnasia" is always open for wishes and suggestions (jurnal.director@gmail.com).


The Thesis on review  in the journal

(about reviewers and the review process)


Responsibilities and duties of reviewers.


Participation in making editorial decisions

The reviewer helps the editorial staff in making decisions on whether to accept an article or to refuse publication. In addition, the reviewer helps the author adjust and improve their work. (see Appendix 1)



Any scientific work that is a subject to review is considered as a confidential document that is not a subject to discussion with third parties.



Reviewing is always carried out objectively. Personal criticism of the authors is unacceptable. Reviewers should express their views clearly with constructive remarks and tips.


Confirmation of scientific sources

Reviewers should indicate sources that were not mentioned in the work. Any scientific data or judgments previously discovered by other authors must necessarily contain references to the work of this author / authors. Reviewers should also check the article on plagiarism and inform the members of the editorial board about its availability.




                                                                                                                            Appendix 1.


The process of reviewing articles consists of the following stages:


The first stage: The article should be reviewed by a specialist at the place of work or study of the author.


At this stage, the so-called ‘open peer review’ is used – a review by an external specialist of the corresponding scientific profile (doctor of sciences). Such a review should contain information about the authenticity and lack of plagiarism of the results obtained, their relevance and novelty, as well as practical value with recommendations for publication of the article.


This review, together with the article, should be submitted to the editorial office by the author.


The second stage: Reviewing of an article by one of the members of the editorial board (single-blind peer review - the reviewer knows the author, but the author does not know the reviewer), who defines independent experts from among the leading scientists of the chosen problem.


In this case, the reviewer must take into account the requirements for the manuscript, namely:


compliance of the manuscript of the article to the journal’s profile, relevance of the topic in the international format, generalized data on the current state of the problems study, specificity of the purpose and objectives of the study, description of the research methods with the relevant indicators and their validity, the adequacy of statistical methods used, the scientific level of presentation of the results obtained (both theoretical and practical), discussion and explanation of the received data, adequacy of conclusions and their conformity to the tasks set in work, the level of scientific linguistic design of the text, the correctness of the design of literature (both lists), compliance with extended annotation requirements, the availability of an appropriate review of the article by the author, as well as three bibliographic data on his printed works.


Requirements for the author and the work:

The author must have three papers on research topics; the list of literature must contain 50% of the sources from the Web of Science database and / or Scopus and professional editions.


Stage three: After this, the article is sent to an independent expert in the relevant field of expertise. It uses a two-way "blind" review (double-blind - neither the author nor the reviewer know each other).


Based on the review, the author can receive one of the following answers: a) the article is accepted for printing, b) it is recommended to refine the article, c) the author was refused in publication of the article.



on the evaluation of the scientific (scientific-practical) manuscript on the subject of the publication in the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Journal "Director of School, Lyceum, Gimnasia"

Title of the research



Conclusion of the reviewer

  1. Recommended for publishing without remarks_________________________________________
  2. It is recommended to refine_________________________________________­­­­­­­­­­­­
  3. Refuse due to non-compliance with such requirements:_________________________________________


Deadline - up to 30 days.