Технології візуалізації в сучасній школі (на прикладі природничо-математичних дисциплін)
principles of learning, visualization technologies, modern online tools, training future teachers, the educational processAbstract
The article discusses the methodological aspects of the modernization to the subjects of nature-mathematical cycle of pre-service teachers to the use of visualization technologies. The specificity of the implementation of classical didactic principles (visibility, science, systemacy and consistency, the connection of theory with practice, mindfulness and strength of learning) in the professional training of specialists in terms of the use of visualization technologies is considered. The specific didactic principles of preparing the future teacher for the use of visualization technologies are highlighted. The principle of innovation, which provides for training students to use the newest capabilities of visualization technologies in their future professional activities; the principle of aesthetics, which consists in teaching students to create didactic visual aids with a pedagogically effective use of color and typographic solutions, the laws of composition in accordance with the psycho-physiological characteristics of the child for the effective assimilation of educational material and its most attractive perception; The principle of orientation to cloud services, due to the rapid development of hardware and software, which is based on teaching students to create digital didactic visual materials using modern online tools.